Saturday, March 20, 2010

Alzheimer's blog roll

I want to update my list of blogs that talk about Alzheimer's.  If you are a reader and have such a blog, or website, please send me the URL (even if you have before) and I'll post it on my sidebar.  I only ask that you publish a link to here on your sidebar.   Thanks.


Unknown said...

Hey- Just found your blog through a Google search.

I do not talk exclusively about AD in my blog, but it is a large focus. My mother was diagnosed with AD when I was 22. I've slowly watched her unravel ever since.

My blog is

karen said...

Kimberly said...

my url is Thanks.

Jewels said...

Hi this is all knew to me I just started a blog this morning "Alzheimer's is horrid"My mother is now in a nursing home she is level 2. I am not sure how to find my url. I can only tell you I think I could sit here and write for days to unload the pain this disease causes. I am not even sure how to find you again. It is good to know there are others who understand how I feel. Thank you, Jewels

Chuck Donofrio said...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for leaving a comment, Bert.

Kathy H said...

I care for my 81 year old Dad who has Alzheimer's and has lived with me since 2004.

KnowItAlz shows the "lighter" side of caring for someone with dementia.

Kathy Hatfield

Jewels said...

find me at http//
Reading other journeys has beenso helpful to my soul thank you for sharing the good the bad the painful. Jewels

Sheri said...

I have been looking for some one willing to share my blog about Alz. So thank you! My husband was diagnosed at 65 but we realized later how long he had really had it. We have 2 teenage daughters and life was turned upside down, I have been told my blog is a unique approach so you feedback would be welcome!
Thank you so much.

Carol Noren Johnson said...

My husband with dementia has been helped by coconut oil.

JRH said...

Just found this:
Great information...

Sandy said...

Oh, I accidentally found your blog and know that we are no small community. To help except what happened to my mom, I have blog also. Would certainly like to trade links. mine is

Unknown said...

I have a couple of sites you might be interested in.

Alzheimer's Tool Box

Tender Rose Dementia Care Blog


Only One Life said...

I also just found your blog through Google search as I was looking for resources on Alzheimers. My husband, myself and our 5 children care for my grandparents in our home. My grandfather is wheelchair bound and my grandmother has Alzheimers. They have lived in our home for almost 4years but we have lived together in some sort or fashion for almost 11. My blog is not solely about AD but it is a very large part of what I write about. Thank you for the connections to others who are caregiving for loved ones. My URL is....

Thank you again, Chessa

Chuck Donofrio said...

To all,

This is my husband's blog. This is something he can still do....write and write well.

I, myself, do not blog....I stay connected to people in other ways...

If you are a caregiver and interested in staying connected find a support group....we go together to our support group; but regardless you need to get out and talk with people one on one or in a group.

Stay connected to yourself as well! God bless!

Chuck Donofrio said...

thanks jim.

Jewels said...

I wish I could figure out how to actualy follow other's in "blogland" it is so confusing. There is comfort when I can red how others are dealing with this.

Sandy said...

Yes, I did submit before and have since been reading your blog. It's strange but it's hard to let go even after they're gone. My mom has been gone 3 years too.
I finally have my blogroll up again (yours included)after installing a new template. ugh! That was some work.
Mine is:

Take care :)

Joy Walker said...

Hi! My blog is sorry to hear about your dad and will post you on my sidebar! Joy Walker

Alzheimers Support said...

I just started this blog on alzheimers because I too have witnesses the horrors of Dementia and alzheimers. I felt like there needed to be more awareness and a blog seemed teh right way to go about it. there will be more coming

Kristen said...

My blog is only a couple months old... Dad has had dementia/Alzheimer's for 5 years now, but it has progressed rapidly in the last 6 months. Here is the link to my blog... It's funny and heartbreaking...

I am still learning how to post links on my sidebar... but will figure it out and post yours...


Katie Roberts said...

Not much content but I'm working on it!

Lindsay said...

Http:// - we just start providing information about Alzheimer's care and research. Love reading your blog, a real personal insight into how Alzheimer's affects a person.

Dr. Ken Romeo said...

I posted a comment on the birthday article you wrote.
My blog is strictly caregiving related to AD.
I don't have a sidebar yet, but I'll ask the design guy to do this for us.

Dr. Ken Romeo
The Alzheimers Doc

Dreaming said...

I've just begun a blog about my dad and Alzheimer's.
The URL is

Anonymous said...

My mother cares for my father with Alzheimer's. This is the 4th relative that she has cared for with the disease. She is 80 years old, cares for my father and runs their property management business. Here is her blog.

Anonymous said...

My mother cares for my father with Alzheimer's. This is the 4th relative that she has cared for with the disease. Her blog on the subject is at I am helping her market her blog.

eldercompass said...

Hi - along with my nurse partner, we run and delve extensively into eldercare issues as well as Alzheimer's. Would love to add your site to our blog links.

Jones hagen said...

My father was diagnosed with Alzheimer disease three years back and it had gotten to a critical stage. A friend of mine then suggested me to try Lexor Health Vitamin B 12 sublingual supplements and it proved to be very beneficial. Vitamin B 12 really posses potential health benefits as it aids proper functioning of
neurological system for regular brain function and helps regulate the formation of red blood cells.

Judi-A Desperate Caregiver said...

My sister, brother-in-law and I have a website called Inside Aging Parent Care where we talk about our experiences caring for our parents who are both gone now.

We continue to blog about what we have learned and are still learning through the caregiving journey. You can find us at

Medical Service said...

These kinds of articles are always attractive and I am happy to find so many good points here in the post. I appreciate it very much! I am looking forward to other share. Thank you so much!

Alzheimer specialist said...

Currently, there is no drug or treatment program that stops the progression of Alzheimer's disease. However, for individuals who are in mild, and middle stages of the disease, certain drugs have proven successful.

Alzheimer specialist

Joy Walker said...

Hello, hello, my site is still up and running,, 3 years and 13 dumpsters, thanks for linking to me on your site, you're definitely linked on mine!