7 years ago today, which in 2004 was the day after Father's Day, my dad got diagnosed with Alzheimer's. The aliens were stealing his brain, and I made my first post on this blog.
What a long strange trip it's been, and it will never be over, until they find a cure (or cures) or at least a way to halt it until death comes from another source.
My heart goes out to everyone whose families are still traveling this horrible bumpy road. The flowers are few and far between, but they are there, little tiny bits of brightness and laughter and love.
I hope this blog has been, and continues to be, a flower for those walking the road of dementia.
Happy summer solstice. May the sun illuminate your flowers.
(image source)
Living in the Shadow of Alzheimers
5 years ago
Happy Day to you too. I have been thinking of my dad all week. I have been trying to get flowers to put on his grave for Dads Day but can't get away. He died in a farming accident. I don't know which is worse . His way or my mom's and your dad's way. (Alzheimer's) . I guess they both suck. Thinking of you always.
I really love your blog and I was hoping you might visit mine. I am no blogging expert like you, but it would mean a lot to me to hear some advice or maybe just talk about your experiences with someone with AD. Thanks!
A.R. (www.deargrandpa1.blogspot.com)
My grandfather had Altzheimer's. I totally understand how it can rob you of a family member, just to replace them with a perfect duplicate that isn't quite finished yet.
This maybe inappropriate but I wish I had known this before my grandfather died - could have at least given us a few more years.
This article is about how being bilingual can put off the effects of Alzheimer's.
It's a bit off topic, but the point is still valid.
I really enjoy reading this blog. Your insights let everyone know they are not alone. As someone who works with families going through these situations I know have another great reference. It's like Chicken Soup for the Alzheimer's Soul!
Alzheimer's is a horrific disease. It's a tragedy what happened to your beloved father. But his journey took three years. That fast progression is a blessing. It happened quickly. It's a different story for my mother. It's been ten years, she no longer walks or talks, and there's no end in sight. Short is merciful; long is hell.
I am sixty. Lately I have been getting a sense of forgetfulnees. I am wondering if your Dad had shown any signs that you could remember or could any treatment be effective had he told his family members? May be we can save to slow down the disease if we figure out what is going on with elderly people.
Thank you for writing this. And for all the details of the hard/bad times. It is stuff I need to read so I can prepare. Going to get back to reading & bookmark to return
WOW I just came upon your blog and you are one amazing, insightful,heart warming writer. What a pleasure to read your story. My mother, 86, alive and pretty well, not withstanding a fall last week, cracking open her head and being rushed to emergency, ( how well I know that place) and having a few stitches in the back of her head.
She has had Alzheimers now for 17 years. Such a loooooong time. My book, Looking for Lionel-How I lost and found my Mother Through Dementia,published in 2010 came as a result of our lives being strangely enriched by her Dementia. Not that I would even with this on any living being but we made the best of it and we ended up healing the past in ways we could never have expected.
Just to tell you a little about Looking for Lionel.It is a personal story. It is a story of how dementia crept into my family unannounced and left us struggling to hold on to a life that appeared to be slipping away from us like a balloon slipping out of a child's hand. It is a story of fear and courage, shame and pride, sorrow and joy. It is a story of paradox, where the least capable person in our family was, for a time, calling all the shots. It is a story of how our lives changed in ways we never could have imagined.
Dementia is still a big part of my life. I see my mom three times a week and my dad who is 94 I see about 4 times a week. Having 5 children and a full time job life is busy. But not too busy to read your blog. So thank you.
Thank you for your blog. I just started one. My dad has had alzheimers for the past 8 years. I work with people with Alzheimers. Not enough can be said about this disease or stories told. Thank you again.
It is a very Good Blog Thanks to Share This Topic I like the Father
It is a Nice Blog and Nice Picture For Share For all People I like the Blog and Blogging
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