A new product, aimed at children, will debut at the Consumer Electronics show in Vegas. This watch will track its location with 10 feet via a GPS chip. The device is called Nu.M8 and I really don't understand why they aren't making an adult-sized version for adults that are impaired (not just AD and dementia, but mentally challenged in other ways).
Right now, it appears that the device only works in the UK, although it is debuting in the USA this week. It seems to require some sort of access fee if you use the service, and it is accessed through the web or a cell phone.
I have written to the company asking them to come out with an adult version. Please, even if your parent or loved one has moved onto the Elsewhere Bar like my dad has, and you think this device could help someone else's loved one, take a moment.
(original URL; screenprint on Flickr)
A Plea from the heart
2 months ago
Out of curiosity, I am interested to know if you heard back from the the suppliers. I think you are spot on. With the demand side of this and need. As I am always looking for innovated ideas that provide real value to peoples lives.
I did not ever hear back from them, unfortunately.
hii...its an excellent device for ensuring safety of kids...the GPS watch should be promoted and manufactured on alarge scale ...
A satellite tracking device that will plot a child's location to within 10ft is being launched by a British firm.
The Nu.M8 digital watch uses GPS satellite technology like car sat nav systems.
The watch can be securely fastened to a child's wrist and will trigger an alert if forcibly removed. Parents can then track their children on a website.
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