Sunday, June 24, 2012

Alzheimer's Navigator

The Alzheimer's Association recently started a new website called the Alzheimer's Navigator.
It's for both families of those with dementia and those with dementia.
From the get started guide:
  • Complete the Welcome Survey

    Are you caring for someone with Alzheimer's or living with the disease yourself? What sort of challenges do you face on a daily basis? Answer these questions to help identify your needs and interests.
  • Answer focused surveys

    Based on your responses to the Welcome Survey, we will suggest additional surveys focused on the topics you want to know about, covering everything from care to safety to planning for the future.
  • Receive a customized Action Plan See sample

    We'll deliver a tailored plan in an easy-to-use format.
  • Implement your plan with help from local resources

    One click takes you to local community resources ( to help you complete your Action Plan.
I highly encourage everyone to try out this free, valuable resource.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing these resources. Coping w this is draining. More reflections on being young and losing your father are on my blog: Http://

Thanks again for the tips. Take care